Welcome to my first.... and who knows.... possibly only blog. I feel it's important to share this journey I'm on right now.... having been recently diagnosed with Lyme Disease, and seeking true healing. It is appalling how many people take years to get a diagnosis, and spend their life savings in the process of reclaiming their health, once they finally figure out how to do it. This information shouldn't be a secret, and doctors should be trained. Thank God for my naturopath! She gets it..... and my own research..... now I get it, too....

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Thursday, September 30, 2010

An autumn meditation

Hello ~

As I write this the sun is dappled and dancing through the leaves, and the breeze is lightly motivating some of those leaves to let go and wind their way slowly to the ground. Fall is in the air, and I am loving it!

As we move into autumn, the precursor to winter, the time of hibernation and rest, I find myself more and more wanting to curl up and go inward, not necessarily with a lot of "things to do", but to just be open to whatever comes up, and to allow my soul to identify the wanderings and journeys it needs to make on an unconscious level before it awakens and arises renewed in the spring. The older I get the easier I find it to go with the flow and rhythms of the seasons and of nature.

Today as I was looking through my files for something else, I came upon this guided meditation that I have used in the past with various groups I've facilitated, and thought I would take the opportunity to share it with you. Especially when we are doing healing work on all levels, it can be amazingly useful to allow ourselves to be guided through a process of setting intentions and opening to whatever messages our unconscious has for us that want to find their way into our awareness.

I hope you get a chance to try this and that you find it useful. More soon about the more mundane aspects of the Salt/C protocol, but for today, just an invitation to go deeper.....

Sukie (scroll down for the meditation)

Crystal Cavern Meditation

This meditation works best as guided imagery, being read to you by someone else in the room, or through use as a recording. Feel free to record this for your use.

Imagine you are walking down a mountainside trail, with only starlight to guide you. Even though it is dark, everything is luminous and you feel no fear. The energies about you are embracing and welcoming, and as you turn your gaze upward to the widening sky, you are immersed in the bedazzlement of thousands and thousands of stars. You have a faint remembering of something a teacher told you long ago: the stars are really the spirits of those who have passed on into spirit world, and that one day you, too, will shine brightly in the night sky. This thought stirs ancient memories and causes them to rise. These memories have been yours forever.

As you walk through the depths of the night, your nostrils pick up a subtle scent upon the air, probably the blooms of some identified tree or bush. It is exotic and invites a slow, delicious breath as you inhale its sweet perfume. You notice the air swirling all about you is cool – refreshingly so – but not cold, even as you are aware that this is the time of year when the spirit seeks solace in the internal cave of the inner night. It is a time of rest, retreat, release, and replenishment.

You hear the call of a night bird, interwoven with the soft singing of frogs. You pull your cloak closer about you and continue onward down the trail, feeling as if you know where you are going, though you have no memory of having been there before.
In the darkness you notice a faint blue glow, and instinctively head towards it. As you get closer, you realize you have come upon the mouth of a cave, and that the light emanates from within. The soft indigo blue illumines the way as you make your way inside the cave, beckoning you deeper.

You continue to explore the depths of the cave, feeling one foot in front of the other, occasionally reaching out to touch the rock walls about you. You feel completely secure, surrounded by a knowing that communicates pure love.

You soon become aware that the rock walls have turned to crystal, and that you are entering a large, subterranean room filled with soft pastel hues – pink, lavender, turquoise, green, amber, and soft white. This play of light is subtle, yet completely entrancing.

Your consciousness alights upon a softly glowing Being of Light resting in the center of this natural sanctuary. It beckons you closer, and motions for you to lower yourself onto a soft, comfortable cushion. It reaches out, touching you lightly upon your forehead, and you feel yourself sinking into deep bliss and relaxation. You hear an inner voice: We have a message for you….

Your body and mind unwind and become quiet, as you allow whatever information is there to work its way gently into your awareness.

Take a few moments now to just BE as you rest peacefully in this atmosphere of perfect acceptance and love. (take 5-10 minutes to relax with eyes closed)

Now gently come back to an awareness of your surroundings…. Move and stretch a little; take a deep breath. When you’re ready, open your eyes. It is suggested you take a few moments to capture in your journal whatever feelings, images and words come to mind, and/or to share your feelings with another person whom you trust to simply listen.

Remember that whatever seeds of consciousness are sown now in the inner cavern of your heart will lie seemingly still, resting throughout the deep winter. They will emerge into the light with renewed life in the springtime, at a time ideally suited to your awakening to new aspects and expressions of your soul’s growth.

Aho, and so it is….

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Feelin' fine...

Greetings to all ~

Just got back from a refreshing retreat in the Russian River area, and it was quite rejuvenating. My body cooperated pretty well during the five days there, probably because I was able to stick to my eating and my Salt/C regimens pretty well. I did allow myself one delicious sandwich on focaccia bread with mozzarella, and a couple of bites of chocolate, but otherwise was focused (and made a few converts to my breakfast treat of gluten-free pancakes with a small drizzle of agave). Such beauty in the wine country, and also got to one of my very favorite spots in the world - Jenner - where the Russian River meets the sea. Exhilarating. Also got to spend quality time with dear friends and family, which was the best part of all.

I did take my Earthing sheet along and slept on it every night; I'm sure that also helped tremendously. I find my sleep to be deeper and more restful since starting to use it, and I awake with a clear head, ready to go. My body aches and pains have also eased up a bit, and I appreciate that. I now also have an Earthing sheet on my Reiki table, so from now on my clients will receive the best of both energy-worlds when they come for healing and rejuvenation. A sweet combination of energies from both heaven and earth.

It's hard to believe I've only been on the Salt/C protocol for five months. Seems like longer than that. I certainly can see positive change since beginning it.... my body aches and pains just continue to improve (with the occasional setbacks from herxing or eating something my body doesn't like), and I have been slowly regaining my stamina, as well. Since I'm a traditionally high-energy, zippy person, I really appreciate the days that I feel that way again, more and more. And yet I have to remind myself to rest. Rest and reflect and just "be." More consciousness; more awareness; more mindfulness; more gratitude; more nurturance of spirit.

If you're ever in Freestone, CA, you may want to experience the Osmosis Spa. Patti and I went there one day and began the adventure with an enzyme bath where we were completely submerged up to our necks in a deep pit of cedar shavings and rice bran, inflused with special enzymes from Japan. It naturally ferments and creates heat, so one is able to deeply relax while the process works to relax and purify. Followed by a massage, it's a pretty amazing experience.

Oh, and if you're interested in the gluten-free pancakes, the brand I use is Pamela's. I cook them in coconut oil and they are delish!

That's all for now - catch you again very soon,


Friday, September 17, 2010

Feelin' Groovy....

Good morning.....

I am in the midst of prepping for a trip to Northern CA for a spa/retreat week with dear friend Patti. The weather says high 70's.... I'm down with that! Nothing like dropping out for a few days, along with a little pampering. And I'll get to see my baby-girl, too, as well as the new home of dear sister Coralee. Life's good.

One thing I'm packing for the trip is my new Earthing sheet! I've got to say, this thing is amazing. Erick and I have used it for two nights, and both of us feel much better rested and more awake, with greater energy during the day. I had been in severe pain all over my body for a few days before trying it, with really serious pain in my right knee (following a 2-mile walk). When I woke up yesterday morning I was essentially pain-free all over my body, and was able to do a squat practically to the floor, which I haven't been able to do in over a year. So color me IMPRESSED with the Earthing sheet. I have also ordered one for my Reiki table, and am going to begin doing Heaven & Earth Reiki once I return from my trip. That is, blissing people out on my Reiki table with universal life-force energy (Reiki/Unconditional Love), while they lie on the earthing mat absorbing deep grounding from Gaia/Mother Earth. What a blessing to be able to offer this to others!

So I continue on my Salt/C regimen. Travel is always a mixed blessing, as it's hard sometimes to find food I can eat that won't mess with my body chemistry. But there are lots of organic/vegan/healthy-type folks in the Sonoma area, so I'm pretty sure I'll be able to do pretty well.

If I can find access to a computer on my trip I'll drop a line or two here in the Blog; if not, I'll be back in touch again after the 24th.

Wishing you inspiration & joy,


Monday, September 13, 2010

More Earthing...!

Hello once again, dear readers....

I have spent the last couple of days reading the book on Earthing, by Clint Ober, MD, that I mentioned in my last post. I must say that I feel more enthusiastic about this book and the work the authors have done, than I've felt about anything else I've read in a long time. It is stunning in its practices and implications, and easy for anyone to do. While we can all go outside and "earth" ourselves (and we should all be doing that), Erick and I are also really interested in the earthing sheets that can be purchased for the bed (we've ordered one). People who sleep grounded all night report dramatic reductions, if not complete disappearances, of pain, as well as deeper, more restful sleep. Ultimately, what I've learned from reading the book is that the more we can be "earthed" - grounded - connected to the planet - whatever you want to call it - receiving the electrons that naturally keep living things healthy unless we disconnect ourselves from them - the healthier we will be overall, and the better we will feel. There are numerous success stories in the book from people with all types of ailments, including fibromyalgia and immune-related conditions (bingo), heart troubles, MS, arthritis, etc. And lots of thumbs-up stories from women who say that sleeping grounded has dramatically reduced PMS and menopausal symptoms.

Fascinating stuff. This is that one book that I'd give a copy of to everyone I know for Christmas, if I had that kind of money. I'd buy 500 copies! Please consider reading it and putting the principles and processes into practice. I will be reporting out soon on how Erick and I are faring with the grounded bed sheet, and I have started spending more time outside on the earth barefooted, which does feel really GREAT! I probably won't be able to give you feedback on the bedsheet for a few weeks, since it will probably arrive next week while I'm in California for a few days, which means I won't be able to start using it until after the 24th of this month.

Another thing I'm jazzed about is doing Reiki with people who are earth-grounded. If I like the bed sheet, I will purchase a smaller earthing pad for my Reiki table. I'm also doing more work with people sitting in chairs with their feet on the ground. Going to start collecting some anecdotal evidence about that. Receiving both earth and cosmic energies at the same time has got to be a great experience for the person on the receiving end, and I surmise, a case where they catalyze each other for greater effect. I'm looking forward to sharing the book, case histories and research with both of my women's groups, particularly the one for women with chronic pain. If they can find something to relieve their suffering, there will be a loud shout heard around the world, I guarantee it....

www.earthinginstitute.net. www.earthinginstitute.net.

Hey Llynya, have you read this yet? Maybe order a few copies for the shop??

So that's the scoop on all that. Otherwise feeling pretty good. I took a 2 mile walk yesterday that felt spectacular, followed by 30 minutes of meditation (barefoot) up in the Sacred Circle. Everything feels pretty great today except my right knee which is not too happy at the moment. It's been really shouting at me lately.

Off to do more Reiki with a couple of friends today.... wishing you a blessed, beautiful week - "see" you again soon,


Thursday, September 9, 2010


Hi there...

Another week is drawing to an end.... I've been home the last two days with my car in the shop, and they need it again tomorrow, so I am getting a chance to catch up on some rest and "stuff" that needs doing. I wish I could say my car is faring as well as I am - it is needing some major repairs that are adding up - ka-CHING!!

Today a new client came to see me and was talking about the book "Earthing." I have heard great things about this book, so decided to go onto their website. www.earthing.com. You would think that "earthing" would be a no-brainer... we feel better when we are connected with the earth, as our ancestors were... through walking bare-footed and sleeping on the ground. But amazingly we have gotten away from all that, wearing shoes with rubber and plastic soles, which keep us from connecting energetically to the planet. Plus, we don't spend nearly as much time outdoors as we used to.

And I was reminded of how, especially those first few months after being diagnosed with lyme disease, it felt so important to me to spend time outdoors, barefooted, connecting to the ground and feeling it under my feet. And I am reminded once again of how I should be doing more of that now.... consciously walking barefoot upon the earth and soaking in all the good vibrations she naturally provides.

As woo-woo as it may all sound, there is solid science behind this. Check out the website - especially the FAQ's - for some great information about "earthing." I am also pasting-in some info below, from the site.

Life is good.... Some herxing going on this week and quite a bit of achiness. Connecting with the earth helps reduce inflammation, and so tomorrow I will be up in the sacred circle, rain or shine, spending some time with the good, clean, healing dirt. (Note to Patti: Maybe your dirt-loving instincts have been calling you to roll in the dirt for healing!).

See below........ & catch ya later!



Earthing, or grounding, refers to connecting your body directly with the Earth.

Earth is an electrical planet, charged with a subtle surface energy commonly known in the electrical world as "ground.” When in contact with the Earth, this tranquil energy naturally transfers to any conductive object—whether it is a metal rod, a wire, a tree or plant, an animal, or a barefoot human—and they become “grounded.”

The known effect of grounding is that it discharges and prevents the buildup of electrical stress. Walking barefoot on the Earth, as humans have done throughout history, naturally grounds and discharges the body. The most reported benefit from people who place their bare feet directly on the Earth and ground themselves is that they “feel better.”

Go to http://www.earthinginstitute.net to learn more about the scientific basis of Earthing.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Whooops, correction...

Hi there:

Sorry, I goofed on the URL for Linda Curtis, my friend who does the beautiful watercolors. She is at www.paintingsbylindacurtis.us. Once again, you'll need to search through Google; it won't come up for some reason under Yahoo (she'll notify her webmaster of this).



Monday, September 6, 2010

Info on Chlorella & life in general...

Good evening~

It's getting late, but I wanted to check in to say hi, and share an article I came across on the Mercola website about Chlorella. This type of green algae is a truly wonderful supplement that is useful for many things. For me, because I have high levels of mercury in my system, it is a helpful chelating agent, as well as a source of protein and B vitamins. Since I am sensitive to so many proteins (soy, eggs, cheese) and I don't eat meat, I have to be a bit more creative to get enough protein from things like nuts, beans, and more "unusal" things like Chlorella. The brand I use, which is very high quality is Jarrow, which seems to be easily found in places like Whole Foods and local co-ops.

In terms of life in general, we've had two fabulous days with a couple, Linda and Marek, who are very dear to Erick and me. These two soulmates met online a few years ago, and have been radiating their love out into the world ever since. Marek just turned 69 and Linda is just a few years behind him. It just goes to prove that it is never too late for love. Not only do they adore each other, but they share their love for life and humanity with everyone who crosses their path. Erick and I feel truly blessed to know them, and just blessed in general for all the amazing and beautiful friends in our lives. We have the most vibrant spiritual family!

I might also mention that Linda is an amazing watercolor and acrylic artist. You can check out her website at www.lindacurtispaintings.us. But you need to use Google as your search engine - for some reason it doesn't come up on Yahoo.

Lyme-wise, I am being very diligent about my eating, supplementation, and salt/C, and while I've been fairly sore quite often lately, I'm feeling well overall (that is the weird irony of lyme!). It's the ol' hurt-so-good thing..... the pain means I am healing. One day I do envision that intensive pain levels will be completely a thing of the past. I've come a LOOOOONNNNNNNG way already...!

I get concerned sometimes that a number of people who get diagnosed with fibromyalgia may really have lyme disease (and I've read about many cases of this happening). The symptoms can be identical, including the horrific pain. The difference? While fibromyalgia often doesn't get better for many folks, lyme disease can often be controlled and, dare I say, overcome. I know folks who took lyme tests in the past that came out negative, so they have accepted a fibromyalgia diagnosis. However, if the test they took wasn't the Western Blot, it's very possible they received a false negative. Sometimes the Western Blot can give false negatives too, but not false positives, like many other tests can. My personal opinion is that anyone with major pain that can't be definitively diagnosed should be tested for lyme disease by someone who has worked extensively with it and knows how to identify it. Especially people who know they have had tick bites before.

I know one woman who was labeled with fibromyalgia years ago. She has horrible periods of excruciating pain that are relentless for days on end. She had several tick bites when she was younger, but also had a negative test for lyme 10 years ago. After recently doing some reading about lyme and conversing with me about it, she is planning to ask her doctor for the Western Blot. Wouldn't it be something if after all this time she found she actually had lyme, and could possibly come up with a plan that might bring her some relief? That would be amazing.

Anyhoo, here is the article on Chlorella. Hope this may be useful for you or someone you know.


Interview about Chlorella with nutritionist, Ginny:

Chlorella, single-celled fresh water algae, is often referred to as a near-perfect food, as its range of health benefits is truly astounding. Chlorella is perhaps most well known for its ability to detox your body by binding to toxins, such as mercury and carrying them out of your system.

But that’s not all this green algae is good for.

Chlorella can also be of great benefit to vegetarians and vegans who want proteins and B vitamins from a non-animal source. Chlorella is about 60 percent protein, and is considered to be a “complete protein” source because it contains all the essential amino acids your body needs.

Other health benefits include:
• Repairing nerve tissues
• Enhancing your immune system and reducing your cancer risk
• Improving digestion
• Promoting healthy pH levels in your gut, which in turn helps good bacteria to thrive
• Enhancing your ability to focus and concentrate
• Increasing your energy levels
• Normalizing your blood sugar and blood pressure

Chlorella vs Spirulina

Spirulina is another algae that is frequently confused with chlorella. While it has many of the same characteristics, there are some nutritional differences between the two.

One major difference is that spirulina does not have the ability to draw out heavy metal toxins like chlorella does. It has, however, been used to treat arsenic poisoning.

Nutritionally speaking, spirulina is another good source of complete protein. In fact, at 65-70 protein, it beats chlorella in terms of protein content. It also has higher amounts of B12, essential fatty acids, and the antioxidant superoxide dismutase.

Chlorella, on the other hand, contains higher levels of chlorophyll, nucleotides RNA and DNA, and beta carotene.

Ideally, it makes sense to take both, as one is not nutritionally superior than the other. Rather it’s the combination of both that can truly turn them into a nutritional powerhouse.

Chlorella is a Potent Detox Agent

Heavy metal toxicity, just like chemical toxicity, has become one of the most pressing health hazards of our day. Your body is assailed by chemicals and heavy metals on a daily basis, oftentimes from the most innocent-looking sources, from your everyday cookware to your dental fillings and the occasional seafood dinner.
This is one area where chlorella can be of tremendous assistance as it’s a very potent detoxing agent for heavy metals. According to Ginny, it may even attract and expel certain pesticides.

Chlorella plays a particularly crucial role in systemic mercury elimination, because the majority of mercury is rid through your stool. Once the mercury burden is lowered from your intestines, mercury from other body tissues will more readily migrate into your intestines -- where chlorella will work to remove it.

Cilantro can also be used as a synergetic detoxification aid along with the chlorella and is particularly useful to take when you are consuming seafood, as most are invariably contaminated with heavy metals and chemicals for which the chlorella is well suited to help remove. Ideally you would need to take it with the meal so it binds directly to the toxins while they are in your gut, before they absorbed into your body.

The Crucial Detail that Determines Chlorella’s Effectiveness

The key to chlorella’s detoxing abilities lies within the membrane of this single cell, but the cell wall of chlorella is actually indigestible to humans. This is why most chlorella products use the term “broken cell wall,” to describe the fact that the chlorella has been rendered digestible.

If a product does not specifically tell you that the cell wall has been broken, you are likely flushing your money down the toilet as the chlorella will simply pass right through you without doing you any good.

There are a number of proprietary methods to break the cell wall, but the key comparison you need to pay attention to is the nutritional profile of the end product.

How to Determine the Quality of a Chlorella Product

Unfortunately, there’s no guarantee that a product will contain the exact level of nutrients listed on the label, so you’ll want to make sure you’re buying from a reputable company. It may come as a surprise, but according to the legal requirements, a natural product may contain plus or minus 20 percent of the stated level of any nutritional component.

Reputable companies, however, will adhere to certain processes that increase your chances of getting the levels of nutrients stated.

Please understand that there are only a few producers of chlorella in the world who provide the raw material to manufacturers, who then process and package the chlorella.

Manufacturers who are known for quality will make sure they receive a certificate of analysis from the producer of the raw material, and will get batches evaluated by an independent third party on a regular basis to ensure consistency.

Recent changes to the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) guidelines and the labeling requirements also make it easier for consumers to investigate company claims as companies are now required to list their phone number and website on every label.

Under these standards a company must also maintain a paper trail showing where the material came from and any testing that has been done.

When calling the company directly, some of the questions you may want to ask would include:
• How often do you test batches for nutritional consistency?
• Ask for a specification sheet ('spec sheet'), or the Certificate of Analysis, known as the 'C of A'. These are documents that itemize every single test that the final product gets tested for.
• How and where is the chlorella grown? Variations in climate and season can cause nutritional variations, but if the chlorella is grown in artificial ponds the producer has greater control over consistency. You’ll also want to make sure the chlorella is grown in unpolluted areas, since chlorella binds to heavy metals.
• Does the producer test for heavy metal contamination? A high quality producer will perform regular heavy metal analysis’, for which there should also be a verifiable paper trail. And organic producers must adhere to even more stringent rules in order to become certified organic, which is another sign of a clean, high quality product.

How to Use Chlorella for Heavy Metal Detox

In order to optimize heavy metal detox, you’ll want to take it every day.
“It’s not something that you just take occasionally like some herbs or some supplements,” Ginny says. “Chlorella is something you want to be taking every day.
… You need to be getting at least 4 grams each day of chlorella to get the benefits that it provides.”

Ginny recommends taking it once a day, preferably in the morning. Many chlorella products are sold in small tablets, typically 500 mg each, which means you’d need to take eight tablets a day.

Some people may experience slight nausea initially. This is likely because you’re pulling toxins out of your system. Mild diarrhea may also occur. If these symptoms are too bothersome, you may want to lower your dose initially, and increase it slowly. Taking it with food may also alleviate the nausea.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Something to think about...


It's late and I'm on my way to bed. I've had a lot of activity this past couple of days, and today I actually took time out to nap in the sun. I can't tell you how delicious that was! I have a sign in the bathroom that says "When in doubt, take a bath" (Mae West), which sums up how I feel about life. But sometimes I think it's important to insert the word "nap" for "bath." Naps and baths, two of life's simple pleasures....

I realize I must be feeling better, as my aspirin use is down a lot from where it was a year ago. At that time, I was taking two aspirin both morning and night, every day. Now I take two aspirin once a day, probably three or four days per week. I still have some severely sore days, but when I look at where things were last year, I can truly see that progress has been made!

On the flip side, I also realize how tired I still am much of the time. As we begin the progression into fall and then into winter, I am feeling there will be more time to rest, to relax, to chill it, to nap, to sleeeeeeeeep....

I just came across an article on the Mercola website that I thought was worth including here as something to think about. This blog is about more than lyme disease, and a good part of it is devoted to healthy eating and re-thinking what we put into our bodies. This article highlights a very serious threat to everyone's health.... genetically engineered crops. We are going to be seeing more and more about this as Big Agra fights to take control of the agricultural market and the profits to be made.....

I hope to watch the movie mentioned below. Thanks for your willingness to explore with me,


Blood on our Farms: Is Monsanto Responsible? Posted By Dr. Mercola | September 03 2010 | 5,327 views

India is in the midst of a flood of suicides among farmers. A new feature film written and directed by Anusha Rizwi and produced by Bollywood megastar Aamir Khan, called Peepli Live, takes a look at this grim topic.

The vast majority of people in India still farm for a living, but are caught between deep debt and the erratic nature of seasonal change.

Indian farmers are pressured into mortgaging their farms to purchase genetically modified seeds, pesticides, and fertilizer from American companies like Monsanto.

According to AlterNet:

“Since GM seeds are patented by Monsanto, their repeated use each year requires constant licensing fees that keep farmers impoverished. One bad yield due to drought or other reasons, plunges farmers so deep into debt that they resort to suicide. One study estimates that 150,000 farmers have killed themselves in the past ten years.”

Meanwhile, in the U.S., District Judge Jeffrey White, a federal judge in California, has banned the planting of genetically modified Roundup Ready sugar beets created by Monsanto. The beets are engineered to withstand Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer.

White said he was “troubled by maintaining the status quo that consists of 95 percent of sugar beets being genetically engineered while [the USDA] conducts the environmental review that should have occurred before the sugar beets were deregulated.”

The ban does not affect crops already planted and harvested for sugar.

The St. Louis Business Journal reports:

“Environmental groups ... filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California in January 2008 to challenge the deregulation of Roundup Ready sugar beets by the USDA ... Opponents say the beets promote superweeds, weeds that cannot easily be killed because they have developed a tolerance to weed killer. They also raise concerns about the contamination of conventional and organic crops.”
AlterNet August 16, 2010

St. Louis Business Journal August 16, 2010

Dr. Mercola's Comments:

I believe genetically modified plants and foods are one of the most significant threats against humanity and life on this planet, for a number of reasons.

Biotechnology has changed the face of farming as we know it, and with each passing year, we move further away from the ancient farming practice of saving the best seeds for replanting the following season – a method that is both inexpensive and proven successful for optimal crop quality.

Now, the increased use of genetically modified seeds that must be purchased anew each year are starting to take its toll. A mere 15 years into commercial GM seed use, we’re now seeing GM crops contaminating conventional and organic crops; different GM varieties combining with each other in the wild, creating unintended GM hybrids; and farmers driven to desperate acts due to financial devastation.

Genetic Engineering May Sterilize Nature. Then What?
Consider this: Monsanto’s “suicide gene” has not only been inserted into certain food crops, rendering them sterile in order to force farmers to buy new seeds. This technology is now spreading to other industries, such as forestry.

Scientific American reported on this in January. Two paper industry giants are planning to replace the native pine in the forests of southwestern US with genetically engineered, sterile, eucalyptus. By making the trees unable to reproduce naturally, they propose there’s no need to worry about the GM eucalyptus turning into an invasive species…


Earlier this week I wrote about two GM varieties of canola spreading into the wild, and cross-breeding with each other, creating a third hybrid that is resistant to not one but two herbicides. Science has already discovered that the genome is more “intelligent” than previously thought, and by planting non-native trees that have been gene spliced to reduce proliferation does NOT make me rest easy.

On the contrary. I believe there are plenty of indications that the introduction of sterile plants of various kinds may allow this genetic ability to “turn off” reproductive capability to spread into other parts of nature, in ways that none of us can predict.

For an eye opening look at the genetic engineering now overtaking the forestry industry, I highly recommend watching the documentary film “A Silent Forest,” available in full on MEFEEDiA.com.

How are GM Crops Provoking Farmers to Commit Suicide?
According to the National Crime Records Bureau of India, more than 182,900 Indian farmers took their own lives between 1997 and 2007. It estimates 46 Indian farmers commit suicide every day. That equates to roughly one suicide every 30 minutes!

Some will argue that natural events are to blame, such as lack of rain, but crop failures have occurred before, and it didn’t push thousands of farmers to end their lives by drinking pesticide.

No, the increased desperation can be traced directly back to the use of patented, and therefore expensive, seeds, and the unconscionable tactics of Monsanto.

Monsanto has been ruthless in their drive to use India as a testing ground for genetically modified crops. Over the past decade, millions of Indian farmers have been promised radically increased harvests and income if they switch from their traditional age tested farming methods to genetically modified (GM) Bt cotton seeds.

So, they borrow money to buy GM seeds, which need certain pesticides that were previously unnecessary, which requires even more money. When rain fall is sparse, the GM crops actually fare far worse than traditional crops – a fact that these farmers oftentimes don’t learn until it’s too late and they’re standing there with failed crops, spiraling debts, and no income.

And by next season, they have to do it all over again because the GM seeds cannot be saved and replanted. They must be purchased again.

In addition, GM crops have spawned:

•Bt resistant pests
•New pests
For example, the evolution of Bt resistant bollworms worldwide have now been confirmed and documented, and what used to be minor pests are now becoming major problems – such as mirid bugs, which have increased 12-fold since 1997 in China, and can be directly linked to the scale of China’s Bt cotton cultivation.

In addition, the promise that GM crops would reduce pesticide/herbicide use has turned out to be entirely false.

The use of Roundup herbicide has increased dramatically since the GM Roundup Ready crops were introduced. In the first 13 years, American farmers sprayed an additional 383 million pounds of herbicide due to these herbicide-tolerant crops. And now the repeated exposures have given Mother Nature all she needs to stage her comeback in the form of devastating superweeds.

Since 1996, when GM crops were first introduced, at least nine species of U.S. weeds have developed resistance to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup herbicide, which means farmers must use additional herbicides, some of them even more toxic than Roundup.

In the end, we’re left with all of the downsides and none of the intended benefits.

Bollywood Brings Indian Farmers’ Plight to the Big Screen
AlterNet.com reports on a new Indian film called Peepli Live that grapples with this topic:

“The story is set in an Indian village named Peepli where one young debt-burdened farmer named Natha is talked into taking his own life after he learns that his family will be financially compensated through a government program created to alleviate the loss of farmers taking their own lives.”

The film features Bollywood megastar Aamir Khan. An interview with him about the film and the plight of Indian farmers can be found here.

Hopefully this film is successful in raising awareness about the destructive power of this technology.