Hi there...
Another week is drawing to an end.... I've been home the last two days with my car in the shop, and they need it again tomorrow, so I am getting a chance to catch up on some rest and "stuff" that needs doing. I wish I could say my car is faring as well as I am - it is needing some major repairs that are adding up - ka-CHING!!
Today a new client came to see me and was talking about the book "Earthing." I have heard great things about this book, so decided to go onto their website. www.earthing.com. You would think that "earthing" would be a no-brainer... we feel better when we are connected with the earth, as our ancestors were... through walking bare-footed and sleeping on the ground. But amazingly we have gotten away from all that, wearing shoes with rubber and plastic soles, which keep us from connecting energetically to the planet. Plus, we don't spend nearly as much time outdoors as we used to.
And I was reminded of how, especially those first few months after being diagnosed with lyme disease, it felt so important to me to spend time outdoors, barefooted, connecting to the ground and feeling it under my feet. And I am reminded once again of how I should be doing more of that now.... consciously walking barefoot upon the earth and soaking in all the good vibrations she naturally provides.
As woo-woo as it may all sound, there is solid science behind this. Check out the website - especially the FAQ's - for some great information about "earthing." I am also pasting-in some info below, from the site.
Life is good.... Some herxing going on this week and quite a bit of achiness. Connecting with the earth helps reduce inflammation, and so tomorrow I will be up in the sacred circle, rain or shine, spending some time with the good, clean, healing dirt. (Note to Patti: Maybe your dirt-loving instincts have been calling you to roll in the dirt for healing!).
See below........ & catch ya later!
Earthing, or grounding, refers to connecting your body directly with the Earth.
Earth is an electrical planet, charged with a subtle surface energy commonly known in the electrical world as "ground.” When in contact with the Earth, this tranquil energy naturally transfers to any conductive object—whether it is a metal rod, a wire, a tree or plant, an animal, or a barefoot human—and they become “grounded.”
The known effect of grounding is that it discharges and prevents the buildup of electrical stress. Walking barefoot on the Earth, as humans have done throughout history, naturally grounds and discharges the body. The most reported benefit from people who place their bare feet directly on the Earth and ground themselves is that they “feel better.”
Go to http://www.earthinginstitute.net to learn more about the scientific basis of Earthing.
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