Welcome to my first.... and who knows.... possibly only blog. I feel it's important to share this journey I'm on right now.... having been recently diagnosed with Lyme Disease, and seeking true healing. It is appalling how many people take years to get a diagnosis, and spend their life savings in the process of reclaiming their health, once they finally figure out how to do it. This information shouldn't be a secret, and doctors should be trained. Thank God for my naturopath! She gets it..... and my own research..... now I get it, too....

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Thursday, September 30, 2010

An autumn meditation

Hello ~

As I write this the sun is dappled and dancing through the leaves, and the breeze is lightly motivating some of those leaves to let go and wind their way slowly to the ground. Fall is in the air, and I am loving it!

As we move into autumn, the precursor to winter, the time of hibernation and rest, I find myself more and more wanting to curl up and go inward, not necessarily with a lot of "things to do", but to just be open to whatever comes up, and to allow my soul to identify the wanderings and journeys it needs to make on an unconscious level before it awakens and arises renewed in the spring. The older I get the easier I find it to go with the flow and rhythms of the seasons and of nature.

Today as I was looking through my files for something else, I came upon this guided meditation that I have used in the past with various groups I've facilitated, and thought I would take the opportunity to share it with you. Especially when we are doing healing work on all levels, it can be amazingly useful to allow ourselves to be guided through a process of setting intentions and opening to whatever messages our unconscious has for us that want to find their way into our awareness.

I hope you get a chance to try this and that you find it useful. More soon about the more mundane aspects of the Salt/C protocol, but for today, just an invitation to go deeper.....

Sukie (scroll down for the meditation)

Crystal Cavern Meditation

This meditation works best as guided imagery, being read to you by someone else in the room, or through use as a recording. Feel free to record this for your use.

Imagine you are walking down a mountainside trail, with only starlight to guide you. Even though it is dark, everything is luminous and you feel no fear. The energies about you are embracing and welcoming, and as you turn your gaze upward to the widening sky, you are immersed in the bedazzlement of thousands and thousands of stars. You have a faint remembering of something a teacher told you long ago: the stars are really the spirits of those who have passed on into spirit world, and that one day you, too, will shine brightly in the night sky. This thought stirs ancient memories and causes them to rise. These memories have been yours forever.

As you walk through the depths of the night, your nostrils pick up a subtle scent upon the air, probably the blooms of some identified tree or bush. It is exotic and invites a slow, delicious breath as you inhale its sweet perfume. You notice the air swirling all about you is cool – refreshingly so – but not cold, even as you are aware that this is the time of year when the spirit seeks solace in the internal cave of the inner night. It is a time of rest, retreat, release, and replenishment.

You hear the call of a night bird, interwoven with the soft singing of frogs. You pull your cloak closer about you and continue onward down the trail, feeling as if you know where you are going, though you have no memory of having been there before.
In the darkness you notice a faint blue glow, and instinctively head towards it. As you get closer, you realize you have come upon the mouth of a cave, and that the light emanates from within. The soft indigo blue illumines the way as you make your way inside the cave, beckoning you deeper.

You continue to explore the depths of the cave, feeling one foot in front of the other, occasionally reaching out to touch the rock walls about you. You feel completely secure, surrounded by a knowing that communicates pure love.

You soon become aware that the rock walls have turned to crystal, and that you are entering a large, subterranean room filled with soft pastel hues – pink, lavender, turquoise, green, amber, and soft white. This play of light is subtle, yet completely entrancing.

Your consciousness alights upon a softly glowing Being of Light resting in the center of this natural sanctuary. It beckons you closer, and motions for you to lower yourself onto a soft, comfortable cushion. It reaches out, touching you lightly upon your forehead, and you feel yourself sinking into deep bliss and relaxation. You hear an inner voice: We have a message for you….

Your body and mind unwind and become quiet, as you allow whatever information is there to work its way gently into your awareness.

Take a few moments now to just BE as you rest peacefully in this atmosphere of perfect acceptance and love. (take 5-10 minutes to relax with eyes closed)

Now gently come back to an awareness of your surroundings…. Move and stretch a little; take a deep breath. When you’re ready, open your eyes. It is suggested you take a few moments to capture in your journal whatever feelings, images and words come to mind, and/or to share your feelings with another person whom you trust to simply listen.

Remember that whatever seeds of consciousness are sown now in the inner cavern of your heart will lie seemingly still, resting throughout the deep winter. They will emerge into the light with renewed life in the springtime, at a time ideally suited to your awakening to new aspects and expressions of your soul’s growth.

Aho, and so it is….

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