Welcome to my first.... and who knows.... possibly only blog. I feel it's important to share this journey I'm on right now.... having been recently diagnosed with Lyme Disease, and seeking true healing. It is appalling how many people take years to get a diagnosis, and spend their life savings in the process of reclaiming their health, once they finally figure out how to do it. This information shouldn't be a secret, and doctors should be trained. Thank God for my naturopath! She gets it..... and my own research..... now I get it, too....

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Saturday, May 22, 2010


Hi there ~

I have been "herxy" these past few days. Very sore and achey, very tired, lots of brain fog, and my vision has been more blurry than usual. I've also been doing way too much, and will be getting some serious rest this weekend. Sometimes I get to feeling so well that I book myself tighter than I should; I forget that I'm still seriously in healing mode and that overall, I must rest. And it's easy to forget the cyclical nature of healing from this bacterial conundrum..... just when you start to feel better you have herx reactions. They say they tend to come about every four weeks, and so far, that's what I've seen (I'm on my 8th week now).

I'm also going to check my blood pressure today. I've never in my life had high blood pressure (growing up I had low blood pressure), but another person with lyme told me she discontinued the salt/c protocol because her blood pressure went up. I realized I haven't checked mine at all and so I will do so, just to make sure all is well in that department.

Anyway, right now it's all about resting and sleeping. And planting a few flowers. I hope you have a fabulous weekend; I'll check in again soon.


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