Welcome to my first.... and who knows.... possibly only blog. I feel it's important to share this journey I'm on right now.... having been recently diagnosed with Lyme Disease, and seeking true healing. It is appalling how many people take years to get a diagnosis, and spend their life savings in the process of reclaiming their health, once they finally figure out how to do it. This information shouldn't be a secret, and doctors should be trained. Thank God for my naturopath! She gets it..... and my own research..... now I get it, too....

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Monday, May 3, 2010

Cautiously Optimistic


Yes, I am feeling cautiously optimistic. I'm not sure I've ever used that phrase before, but I've heard it all my life. Today it fits. I have really realized the past few days that it feels like progress is being made with the Salt/C protocol against the bacterial overload presented by lyme disease.

It is true that herx-times, lyme-flares and healing times will ebb and flow, and so even though a person feels well today, they may not feel so well tomorrow (and in fact, might feel horrible). Yet despite this, something has shifted a bit; something is changing. I notice that my body is bouncing back quicker from herx reactions and lyme-flares, and that things that normally would throw me into an extreme state of pain are not having such a heavy effect as they were.

For example, Erick and I took a little trip over the weekend. I indulged in a delicious, spicy Indian meal, and walked all over town which included quite a few hills. I did all this knowing that I would probably pay for it the next day with some serious agony. Yet when Sunday morning came along, I was feeling fairly well, and it lasted all day, and has continued throughout today, also. In fact, I was feeling so good yesterday that I treated myself to a bit of "Coconut Bliss".... a non-dairy frozen dessert that is much like ice cream. Now mind you, I haven't had ice cream or anything like it in over a year, but I found this yesterday at the natural foods market on Bainbridge Island, and decided to give it a try after reading the label. It contains no dairy, gluten, and best of all, no refined cane sugar! It is sweetened with organic agave syrup.

It is a well-named product, for I truly WAS in bliss. I ate about 1/3 of a pint which really was dicey, since sugar in most any form will activate the lyme bacteria. And it did after awhile, but not very much. Next time I'll stick to just a few bites. But let me tell you, it was really quite exciting to have a yummy dessert after such a very long time AND not to experience a severe reaction, to boot.

So after savoring my Coconut Bliss, I was thinking I'd have to come back to Whidbey Island and beg our grocer to carry this product. However, when I stopped in today, there it was in the freezer case; I'd just never seen it before. So if you enjoy coconut and would appreciate a dessert with a low glycemic load that is also gluten free, dairy free, and refined-cane-sugar-free, now you know what to look for.... Luna & Larry's Organic COCONUT BLISS!

Let's suffice it to say that I am really enjoying this past few days of feeling pretty great, despite having not adhered as strictly to my eating plan, and having engaged in more strenuous activities than usual. My pain is at about a "2.5" on the 0-10 pain scale right now. More herxes will definately come, and more times when I will be wiped-out and flat on my back, but for now I am feeling truly grateful that I can actually feel progress happening. I can even tell that some of those little clusters of bacteria under the skin of my forearms are getting smaller. To me this says that the Salt/C protocol is starting to have a significant effect. I'm taking pretty much the max recommended dosage, and will be following this for quite some time into the future. We'll see what the long-term results are..... For now, I can report that there is definately HOPE.

I came across a couple of wonderful cookbooks over the weekend that piqued my interest. Now I have never been much of a cook, much less a "cookbook person." But as I refine my eating habits, I become more and more interested in ways to make fresh veggies and grains as interesting and flavorful as possible. One of these beautiful books is called Clean Food, by Terry Walters. It has wonderful recipes that are mostly very simple to make. That scores huge points with me! The other one is The Mediterranean Vegan Kitchen, by Donna Klein, which I had a quick look at and ordered, so I can't tell you much about it yet, except that at first glance it was very appealing. I can tell you that Erick and I are both very much in love with Mediterranean food, so this book promises to be a hit at our house.

OK, we are having high winds here on Whidbey Island right now and I am in danger of losing this post (the lights are flickering), so I'll sign off for now. Bon Appetit, or as my friend Shirley would say, "Zen Appetit!"


1 comment:

  1. Hi Sukie,
    Thank you so much for the Coconut Bliss shout out. I have often heard of people eating their entire first pint of Coconut Bliss out of joy before they realize that it's gone!
    I wish you the best on your journey & continued good days!
    Blissful Regards,
    Kiley from Coconut Bliss
